Data Statistics

  • Biostatistics 2024-01-01

    The Biostatistics team at GoBroad Clinical Research Center comprises seasoned statisticians with extensive industry experiences, particularly in specialized areas such as hematology, oncology, neuroscience, CGT, and early-phase innovative trials (including CQT, TQT, mass balance, drug-drug interactions, etc.).The team members actively participate in the statistical design of clinical research, applying model based ea…

  • Data Management 2023-12-29

    The Data Management team at GoBroad Clinical Research Center consists of seasoned data management experts who have held significant managerial and technical positions in large international pharmaceutical companies and CROs. They are proficient in various databases (All of them are Rave Certified Study Builders), have maintained a comprehensive CRF libraries compliant with CDASH standards, well utilize technology-dri…

  • The Statistical Programming team at GoBroad Clinical Research Center is a benchmark professional team with extensive experience in regulatory submissions to various regulatory agencies (FDA, EMA, PMDA, CDE, etc.). Their responsibilities include preparing submission data package conforming to SDTM and ADaM standards, annotated CRFs, and preparing relevant submission documents. CDISC standards are currently the default…